Thursday, April 26, 2012

Anyone know anything about possibly ruining curly hair by continuously pulling it in to too tight po

My daughter is four and she has always had very curly hair. Well since she started school I have been slicking her hair back into ponytails just about everyday (because she has SO much hair her she would get really sweaty) and am begininng to notice that the top part of her hair is more wavy than it is curly.

Since I noticed it I started taking it easy with the brush, I started putting her hair in much looser ponytails but the fact that her curls look so much looser bothers me.

Please advise.

Anyone know anything about possibly ruining curly hair by continuously pulling it in to too tight ponytails?

Yes, you have" trained" her hair with those rubberbands, by pulling it back.

You have stretched her curls out for the time being, but you can probably change that by moving her part around and , like you said, looser ponytails. Let her wear them down low , up high, on the side, pigtails, whatever-----but, DON"T PULL SO TIGHT!!!!!!!!

Oh, yeah. Hair that is pulled too tight will break at the hairline or halfway up the hair and cause frizzies.

Anyone know anything about possibly ruining curly hair by continuously pulling it in to too tight ponytails?

not me

Anyone know anything about possibly ruining curly hair by continuously pulling it in to too tight ponytails?

that has happened to me too but it's only because if it is pulled back, the hair will just get used to being this way

Anyone know anything about possibly ruining curly hair by continuously pulling it in to too tight ponytails?

Maybe it's time to find a new hairdoo. I have x-tremely curly hair, and as long as I wash it enough and take care of it, the curls don't leave.

Anyone know anything about possibly ruining curly hair by continuously pulling it in to too tight ponytails?

Yes, sorry. I believe that you have trained it in the wrong way. My hair is exactly the same way--my hair makes me really hot when I leave it down for a long time. Since I started the ponytail thing, My hair started getting less curly. I personally love straight hair but mine is just a wavy mess. Also, if your daughter has fine hair putting a tight elastic around her hair will make it frizzy like it did mine.

Anyone know anything about possibly ruining curly hair by continuously pulling it in to too tight ponytails?

Not only that, but you can slowly recede her hairline which will make her look funny.

Anyone know anything about possibly ruining curly hair by continuously pulling it in to too tight ponytails?

Try a butterfly clip and instead of pulling hair back, let it fall to the side and clip it up.

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