Friday, April 20, 2012

Please help me with my curly hair.?

Hey! ok ill start off with.MY HAIRS CRAZY lol. ill get out of the shower one morning and dry my hair and ill love it. But when it starts to dry it gets VERY curly and kinda poofy. If i shake my head after it completely dries its like a Freekin Bush! I dont like moose or w/e i do straighten it sometimes but i dont wanna go on everyday straightning my hair. some people say layer it so it aint as thick. Check out this pic i got of ashton cutchers hair. I love it. I dont wana permenetly straigten it cause i still want my curly hair just with a hair cut that controls it better than letting it Grow. Any suggestions? or some pics that That would give me ideas? Thank you :D



Please help me with my curly hair.?

Let it grow and get a hair straightener.

Please help me with my curly hair.?

Aww haha no worry:) all you've gotta do is go to this site and read some tips on how to deal with your curly hair.

Please help me with my curly hair.?

WTF.. your hair is sexy as

dont go changing it

Please help me with my curly hair.?

sorry to hear that. you can consult with hair experts.good luck

Please help me with my curly hair.?

put some hair spray after u get out of the shower dot dry it let it dry it self or put some hair oil

Please help me with my curly hair.?

Use a hair gel to keep it straight, and then hope you don't have a misty, rainy day.

My hair is curly, but that's cool because I do nothing except wash it and use mouse and conditioner -- by the time it dries I have curls (because I crunch them up) or straight hair, if I comb it that way.

Please help me with my curly hair.?

Your two pics don't look that different, really. I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't pointed out the difference. BUT, to keep it straighter without brain-damage, simply use a light amount of styling gel or mousse while your hair is wet, use a large round brush when you're drying it to take out the waves instead of just drying it without a brush. You won't need to use a straightener afterwards, it shouldn't take you more than a minute or so longer than just blasting it dry with the dryer. If that doesn't help, try asking on the hair boards at Makeup Alley (lots of guys there, too, so don't worry) at . Good luck!!

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