Friday, March 30, 2012

Does curly hair work with a round/oval face?

I'd really love to style my hair like Jessica Alba, Christina Aguilera, or Nicole Kidman's, but I'm afraid since I was born with straight hair that curls will make my face look rounder, more childish and/or heavier - not saying people with curly hair look like this!! I have a mostly oval, but slightly round face with larger features and a kind of pointy chin. Could I pull curls off?

Some ideas of the type of curls I'm thinking about:




Does curly hair work with a round/oval face?

Curly hair on a round/oval face works if your hair is long or shoulder length which is why my hair is always long. If your hair is short the curls will make your face look rounder and does not look right.

Does curly hair work with a round/oval face?

It's all in the cut. an oval face if the ideal. Anything will work. To lengthen a round face, keep most of the volume at top of your head and the sides should be close to your face.

Does curly hair work with a round/oval face?

YeAh ii tHiNk YoOh ShOuLd TrY cUrLiNg YoUr hAiR...ii ReAlly LiKeD ChRiStiNa AgUiLeRa'S hAiR YoOh ShOuLd CrEaTe SoMe SuBtLe CuRlS aT FiRsT tO SeE iF YoOh LiKe HoW ThEy LoOk oN YoOh tHeN tRy ExPeRiMeNtiNg DiFFeReNt sTyLeS.

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