Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

i cant choose between harstyles :/ but my friends think curly...idk. thanks :] 閳?(there are 2 pics of me wiff straight hair and 1 pic of me with curly)

im very sorry i coulent find a better pic of me with curly hair :/

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

Your the same as me you look good either way. Just switch it up once in a while so you don't get bored with your look.

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

Both i think =)...but please lay off the eyeliner!

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

curly girly

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

straight ...your hair looks prettier slightly longer :)

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

Straight, has more body, looks more stylish that way.

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?


Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

I would say straight, but that's my opinion. More importantly, which one do you feel makes you look the best? Go with whichever makes you feel the most confident about your appearance.

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

i like it curly and dont put soooo much eyeliner on

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?


Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

I think the straight looks better on you

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

curly def!!

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

I think you look pretty good with both.But i like the straight better.

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

straight. but it would help if we could see a straight on picture..

Does my hair look better curly or straight? [[pics]]?

You seem superbly beautiful either way to me!Your gorgeous!!

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