Friday, April 20, 2012

Tips to get naturally curly hair?

I have really straight hair and hate it, cant remember if i have ever had curly or wavy hair... I really want curly hair but dont want to use curling tongs etc. Any tips on how to make it curly or wavy?

Tips to get naturally curly hair?

You can't get natural curly hair with out changing your natural parents.

You can get a perm or,

You can use some curling gel or moose. You can scrunch your hair. You can braid it and then let it out when it is dry. You can twist it in knots and then let it free.

the Best yet is find a hairdo that you like for naturally straight hair and only curl it when you want a change.

I had curly hair in a straight hair world, before straightening irons and large rollers. I used an ironing board, I used Orange juice cans and dipty-do hair gel (only kind they had then. I lived in NY and I tried to fight the humidity. It was a lot of work and as lot of frustration. In the end the curls won.

Fortunately now every hair type has an attractive style that it can be worn in. How many people are trying to straighten their hair and you have straight hair. Enjoy what they wish they had. I am sure God Made you Beautiful. Just get a hair style that works with your hair.

God Bless You, ;-)

Tips to get naturally curly hair?

Get a body wave [perm] from your stylist. Perms can be relaxed for just a little shape or very curly. Done correctly they look very natural.

Tips to get naturally curly hair?

My hair is naturally wavy but a great way which has been used by models before (and me) is to wash your hair, plait it into two plaits and go to bed (leave your hair wet). When you wake up take out the plaits and put some wax hold in your hair (if you have completley straight hair naturally).

Tips to get naturally curly hair?

try a perm

Tips to get naturally curly hair?

Do you want to swop hair? I have really wavy hair and i LOVE straight hair. Don't get it done permanantly cause u might not like it. Try scrunching ure hair when it's wet or tying lots of plats when it's wet. Curling mousse helps too! Lissi's answer is good too.

Tips to get naturally curly hair?

First off....people say get perms. I wouldn't do this.

My hair was JUST like yours it seems, so I wanted a perm. Now it's poofy, gets frizzy, and it's hideous. Oh yeah it's wavy... I just WISH it was still straight. So I wouldn't recommend a perm...cause even after the curl effect goes away, the frizz and poofiness stays because perms are great damage to your hair.

So...I owuld suggest just buying mouse. Wet your WHOLE head in the morning....flip it over..towel scrunch it....then apply mouse and scrunch some more...then style.

Tips to get naturally curly hair?

Good that you have decided not to use curly tongs.According to me plaiting it tightly (ordinary or french plaits) With or without oil, before going to bed can make your hair curly or wavy.

Tips to get naturally curly hair?

Styling gell and water is what i was told

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