Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Very curly hair and straightners?

i have naturaly very curly hair . what are the best straightners to use? also are GHD straightners really that good?

Very curly hair and straightners?

I would recommend that you talk to your hairdresser as its important to get the correct straighteners for your hair type - for curly hair you would need some with a high temp but ones that will not damage your hair and dry it out. Your hairdresser will also know which ones on the market are long lasting and good quality. You could also ask them about which products you could use best to protect your hair whilst straightening.

Very curly hair and straightners?


deff. buy ceramic ones

and go to ulta

they hav the best ones

but they r like 100 bux

but really good/worth it

if u want cheap ones

then go to target

but don;'t get conair

doesn't work

and get those skinny ones

Very curly hair and straightners?

i know the CHI straighteners and the new Bed Head Straighteners are AMAZINGGGGG

i personally have the hot tools straightener .. its pretty awesome too.

Very curly hair and straightners?

i,ve had loads of different hair straightners and GHD are the best i,ve ever had.

Very curly hair and straightners?


You should use the skinny conair straightner, its yellow and black. I tried most of the hair straightners and that is the best one!

Good luck!

Very curly hair and straightners?

ghds are simply fab. they are pricey but i think are well worth it. i just got mine and wouldnt ever use anything else again.

Very curly hair and straightners?

Yes,GHDs are the best to use.

Very curly hair and straightners?

dude ghd's rock!

Very curly hair and straightners?

i have exactly the same type of hair!!

i use FHI's and they really good! my hair stays straight for agesss. havent broken and ive had them ages.

ive heard GHD's blow up and break easily.. just lettin you know!


Very curly hair and straightners?

GHDs are the best. i wouldnt use anything else

Very curly hair and straightners?

use wet to straight you can use it when your hair is wet and make your hair straight straight flat

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